01. The century old church was beside the Butjina Polia guesthouse
02. The south side of the Valbone valley qas a wall of limestone crags.
03. Sheep’s yoghurt and local honey as served by rge rustic Cafe Simona.
04. Climb up to the Prosllopit Pass from Valbone
05. Beehives above Cerem. They are plentiful throughout the Accursed Mountains.
06. Looking across a meadow above Cerem towards Kolata mountain in the distance.
07. Shepherds bringing cattle and sheep down through forest from the high pastures.
08. Fiona about to tuck into the great spread of traditional dishes at Doberdol.
09. Looking NW from Tromedja (Three Border Peak) in Montenegro.
10. Zeki’s delightful Guesthouse Lozja. It was probably the best stay along with Triagle Woodhouse on Day 7.
11. Thistle flowers between Milishevc and the Rugova Valley were much sought after by bees.
12. The foresters cabin above the Rogova Valley. He used horses to drag the logs down the higher hillsides.
13. Plum trees heavy with fruit in Reke i Allages village.
14. Looking down the Rugova Valley towards Peja from above Reke i Allages. All in Kosovo
15. A verdant pastoral scene in Montenegro en route from Babino Polje to Plav.
16. Samel’s guesthouse had a great view over the lush valleys of Montenegro.
17. Lake Jezero (Hridsko jezero) was surrounded by pines. It was near the highest point between Babino Polje and Plav.
18. Summer farms on the descent to Plav. The buildings were composed of cabins and barns.
19. The grass in the meadows was either grazed by livestock or cut by scythe and piled into haystacks.
20. The town of Plav seen from the east. It was the only large settlement on the entire 10 day walk.
21. The high peaks around the Grbage Valley was perhaps the most spectacular massif in the Accursed Mountains by unfortunately the trek did not go through them.
22. The flock of sheep above Vusanje which were attacked by a pack of 10 wolves the previous evening killing one and injuring a guard dog.
23. The minaret on the mosque of Vusanje was made of wood. Beyond it is the Ropojana Valley flanked by inpressive mountains.
24. Coming down the Qafa i Pejes pass into the Theth Valley at the end of Day 10 was very steep but there was a good mule path carved into the rock.
25. The south face of Maja e Harapit was a 8-900 sheer wall of limestone. It was the highest cliff in the Accursed Mountains.