The Karnischer Hohenweg / About

The Karnischer Hohenweg, or Carnic High route is a 160 km hiking route along the spine of the 100 km long Karnischer Alps. This mountain range follows the border between the Italian province of Fruili and the Austrian province of East Tyrol. It has often been the buffer between empires. 

000. An overview of the Karnischer Alps, (Carnic Alps) which form the border between Italian province of Fruili and The Austrial province of East Tyrol. It is a little more than 100 km

We intend to walk the whole ridge from the lower more pastoral east to the more alpine west. To the north of the range is the Gailtal valley in Austrin and to the south is the Carnic Prealps of Italy.

001. Map of the route of the Karnischer Hohenweg from Thorl=Maglern in the east to Sillian in the west

Our intended plan can be seen here .

The Green Colums are trekking days. The red columns show either hotel, bunk room or dormitory in mountain huts accorfingly.  There are links to strava routes which I created and from these it should be possible to create and download a GPX if needed.

As I go I will write a blog and post it under the blog section but the gallery section wont be updated until I return in late July

002. Looking west from Poludnig over Eggeralm summer farm on the right and down the main ridge of the Karnischer Alps which is 100 km long. The big valley to the right is Gailtal which runs east-west and forms the northern edge of the Karnischer Alps. The cheese dairy at Eggeralm is our accomodation for the second night

I have included at typical blog from someone who did the Karnischer Hohenweg from east to west, which is the reverse of the usual way. It has descriptions of the days although the hiker did it in 7 days and we will be doing it in 11 days so our pace is more relaxed. The link is here