01. Setting off up the Musala Pathway in the conifer forests above Borovet for the 1400m climb up to the Ledenote Ezero hut.
02. There were many lakes above the treeline in the granite landscape between the Musala hut and the Ledenote Ezero hut.
03. A young chamois on the steep rocky slopes near the summit of Mount Musala. On these slopes it is easy to for the chamois to escape to the crags if danger lurks.
04. On the ridge south of Mount Musala there were a few wild cirques on the remoter east side with high lakes.
05. After the dilapidated Granchar Hut the route veered west into a softer landscape but there were still some high alpine lakes in the gentle cirques.
06. The deep Tiha Rila valley between Ribni Hut and Kirilova Polyana was in a deep granite slot with mixed forest.
07. The Rila monastery was a near hexagonal 3-4 storey complex enclosing a huge courtyard with church and clock tower.
08. The church at Rila Monastery was within the courtyard and was heavily decorated.
09. The altar in the church at Rila Monastery was Orthodox but as lavish as any Catholic church.
10. A large flock of sheep near Ivan Vasov hut. These sheep were guarded by 4-5 large dogs and a shepherd.
11. Climbing up to the ridge on Day 4 with Ivan Vasov hut in the valley below the horses.
12. Looking north from the ridge above Ivan Vasov hut to the plains around Sofia with the Balkan Ridge in the far distance.
13. Looking down on the 7 lakes from the ridge above Ivan Vasov hut.
14. Looking east from near Radzela saddle towards Malyovitsa and the lakes in the high Urdln Circus cirque.
15. A herd of horses on the way up to Dodov Vrah. There were many such herds in the area.
16. Looking SW down to Rila Monastery from the col between Dodov Vrah and Malyovitsa.
17. Looking east from Malyovitsa summit to the descent route and the Golyamo Elenino lake.
18. Half way down the long descent to Malyovitsa hut and overlooking the Golyamo Elenino lake.
19. The steep descent eventually spilled into the wide U shaped valley just above Malyovitsa hut.
20. Malyovitsa hut near the end of the trek. The Malyovitsa complex and trailhead is a further hour down the valley beyond the hut.