Via Degli Dei / About

The Via Degli Dei, or Way of the Gods,  is a 130 km hiking route across the spine of the Apennine Mountains in Central Italy. 

000. An Overview Map of the Via Degli Dei, The Way of God, between Bologna and Florence

We intend to walk the Via Degli Dei, Way of the Gods, over 6 days staying in simple inns or agriturismo B&B type places.

001. A more detailed Map of Via Degli Dia which crossed the Apennine Mountains on a 6 day walk from Bologna to Florence

Our intended plan can be seen here .

The Green Colums are trekking days. The red columns are the simple inns or B&B houses.  There are links to strava routes which I created and from these it should be possible to create and download a GPX if needed.

As I go I will write a blog and post it under the blog section but the gallery section wont be updated until I return in late July

I have included a description of the Via Degli Dei from the official website of the walk. It is also broken down into 6 stages although the stages dont quite coincide with out stages for a couple of days but do the rest of the time. It does give the reader an impression of the hike. The link to that website is here